Each device that is connected to the world wide web has a special identifier called IP (Internet Protocol) address. This includes personal computers, web servers, smart phones, switches, etcetera. The pool of IP addresses, that was introduced initially, has been distributed, therefore the so-called IPv4 IP addresses are gradually being replaced with IPv6 addresses. Every domain that opens an internet site has an IP record, that is the address of the server where it's hosted. With the IPv4 system, the record is called A and it comprises of four sets of numbers from 1 to 255 separated by a dot, while within the IPv6 system it's called AAAA and it is made up of eight sets of hexadecimal numbers i.e. this kind of records use digits from 0 to 9 and letters from A to F. An illustration of an AAAA record is 2010:0c48:43d3:2142:1012:8c3a:2475:2435 and this format can handle a substantially larger amount of IPs when compared with the IPv4 format.
AAAA Records in Hosting
The state-of-the-art Hepsia website hosting Control Panel, provided with our hosting, will permit you to set up a new AAAA record effortlessly. When you are within the account and you navigate to the DNS Records section, you will discover all records you have for every hosted domain address or a subdomain under it. All it takes to set up the AAAA record is to click on the New Record button, to choose the domain/subdomain in question, pick AAAA and then just enter or copy and paste the IPv6 address. We have a step-by-step guide in case you have never created records for your domain names, but it's extremely unlikely that you'll need it as Hepsia is much simpler to use than other Control Panels available. Within an hour your new record will be live and your domain shall start resolving to the servers of the other provider. There is also an option to modify the TTL value, which outlines how long this record is going to be working if you change it, from the standard 3600 seconds to any value the other company may require.
AAAA Records in Semi-dedicated Hosting
As our leading-edge cloud hosting platform supports AAAA records, you are going to be able to create one with no trouble for any domain address or subdomain you host within a semi-dedicated server account from our company and the new record is going to propagate within the hour, to enable you to start using the services of any other provider you direct the domain/subdomain to in no time. You are able to create the record from the DNS Records section of your Hepsia website hosting Control Panel where you will also find all other records that were created automatically or you have set up manually before. The creation of the new AAAA record is as basic as picking the needed domain or subdomain and the AAAA type from simple drop-down menus, typing the IPv6 address inside a text box and saving the modification. You're going to be able to change the record at any time if needed. Assuming the other provider requires a specific TTL value for the new record, you will be able to modify this setting as well. The Time To Live option defines how long an existing record will keep working after you edit it or delete it and the time is in seconds.